Workplace ostracism is mistreatment in disguise that has spread its roots deep into organizations. This research has a threefold purpose. Firstly, to shed light on its seriousness by highlighting its personal, relational, and organizational impacts. Secondly, to identify buffering mechanisms that nullify its damaging impacts. Finally, to offer novel avenues for future research. The systematic review of 89 articles reveals workplace ostracism causes significant damages to employees, their personal and professional relationships, and organizations. It also reveals that employees' traits, abilities, skills, psychological states, job-related factors, support, culture, and religiousness cushion against ostracism's adverse impacts. Perhaps this is the first review that highlights workplace ostracism's relational impacts and systematically and comprehensively summarizes its buffering mechanisms as the cure to its curse. This review identifies literature gaps and proposes a future research framework and other future research directions for scholars to address them. It concludes with a discussion of practical implications.