A decrease in valence band energy offset can considerably improve the thermoelectric performance of SnTe, and alloying CdTe in SnTe has been confirmed to be efficient for inducing band convergence. However, the low solubility of CdTe in SnTe severely limits the further decrease in the energy offset and the reduction of lattice thermal conductivity. Inspired by the high solubility of Sb in SnTe-based thermoelectric materials, the trivalent Sb is introduced into SnTe–CdTe alloys, aiming at manipulating the thermoelectric transport properties. Combined with the valence band model, it is demonstrated that high concentration of Sb in SnTe–CdTe enables a further optimization in valence band structures, resulting in an improvement in density-of-state effective mass, thus significantly reinforces the power factor in the whole temperature range. Meanwhile, we propose the solid solution mode of Sb in SnTe, which always generates vacancies to balance the valence state, and the introduction of vacancies explains the reduced lattice parameters and almost constant carrier concentration. Particularly, the Debye–Callaway model quantitatively compares the contribution of Sb substitutional defects and vacancy defects. As a result, an enhanced zT of ∼1.1 has been achieved for Sn0.83Cd0.05Sb0.12Te at 823 K. This work clearly shows the critical role of Sb for enhancing the thermoelectric performance of SnTe–CdTe materials.