The Relationship Between Robot, Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation (RAISA) Awareness, Career Competency, and Perceived Career Opportunities: Hospitality Student Perspective
期刊:International Conference on Information Management日期:2021-08-19
Several studies have examined the potential impact of service robots, artificial intelligence, and service automation on hospitality employees. However, very limited studies have examined the perception of hospitality students who will be the future employees in the hospitality industry. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the currently enrolled hospitality student’s awareness of Robot, AI, and Service Automation (RAISA) implementation and its correlation with their career competencies and future career opportunities. This study adopted a quantitative approach, and data were collected from a survey of 195 hospitality students, using a convenient sample method. Multiple regression was used to analyze the data. The study found that there was a significant positive relationship between the variables. Also, RAISA awareness, together with career competencies, is found to have influenced the level of students' perceived future career opportunities.