This study characterized conjunctival microvascular morphological and haemodynamic responses after anti-inflammatory treatment in dry eye (DE). Twenty-five patients with moderate DE (17 females and 8 males aged 48 ± 16 years) who underwent anti-inflammatory therapy (0.1% fluorometholone) and 25 healthy subjects (20 females and 5 males aged 48 ± 17 years) recruited as controls were enrolled. The conjunctival blood flow rate (BFR), blood flow velocity (BFV) and vessel diameter were measured by functional slit-lamp biomicroscopy (FSLB). DE symptoms and signs were assessed. All measurements were performed at baseline and at 30 and 60 days after commencement of treatment. At baseline, the conjunctival BFR, BFV, and vessel diameter were higher in the DE group than in the control group (p < 0.05). The BFR, BFV and corneal fluorescein staining (CFS) scores decreased at 60 days after therapy compared to at baseline and 30 days (all p corrected < 0.05); Ocular surface diseases index (OSDI), the hyperaemia index (HI) and vessel diameters only showed significant decreases at 30 days. Moreover, significant increases in the noninvasive tear film break-up time (NI-BUT) and Schirmer I test score (ST) were observed. The CFS score correlated positively with BFV (r = 0.46), BFR (r = 0.58) and vessel diameter (r = 0.47). This study characterized conjunctival microvascular responses to anti-inflammatory treatment in DE patients. The results suggest that conjunctival BFV and BFR can be used as dynamic markers for treatment efficacy in DE.