Main observation and conclusion There is no doubt that SiO x and carbon composite is one of the promising anode materials for lithium‐ion batteries owing to its high capacity and rational cycling stability. Herein, we report a sol‐gel synthesis followed by molten salt carbonization route to fabricate graphene‐like carbon nanosheet wrapped SiO x /C submicrospheres (SiO x /C@2D‐C). The in ‐ situ generated carbon nanosheets under molten salt condition can further improve the electroconductivity, restrain the volumetric expansion and guarantee the structural integrity of the electrode. As a result, the as‐obtained SiO x /C@2D‐C delivers a discharge capacity of 559 mAh·g −1 at 0.5 A·g −1 after 200 cycles and 548 mAh·g –1 at 1.0 A·g −1 even after 1000 cycles. The full cell assembled with SiO x /C@2D‐C as anode and commercial LiFePO 4 as cathode can achieve an energy density of 200 Wh·kg −1 and maintain a capacity of 66.7% after 100 cycles with a working potential of 2.8 V. The approach is simple and cost effective, which is promising for mass production of SiO x ‐based materials for high energy LIBs.