Cross-linked starches produced in lab-scale from corn and wheat starches with TDF contents of 80.4% and 83.6% were used in cookie formulation to obtain high fibre and low glycaemic index (GI) cookies. Different resistant starch (RS) sources including and wheat bran were also used for comparison. RS sources were added into the formulation at the levels of 25, 50 and 75%. Overall cookie quality (spread ratio, hardness, colour) results showed that among the RS sources and wheat bran, lab-scale produced cross-linked wheat starch (XL-W) had an improving effect on cookie quality, whereas the other sources had detrimental effect. Cookie samples supplemented with XL-W had the highest total dietary fibre (TDF) contents regardless of the addition level. High levels of TDF content were also observed with the wheat bran supplemented cookie samples; however, quality of these cookies were low. RS and wheat bran supplementation caused significant decrease in the in vitro GI of the cookies and the lowest GI value was achieved with the cookie supplemented with XL-W. This study proved that XL-W produced in this study can be used as an alternative ingredient to produce high fibre and low GI cookies without any deteriorative effect on the quality.