Jacqueline A. Burke,Xiaomin Zhang,Sharan Bobbala,Molly Frey,Carolina Bohorquez Fuentes,Helena Freire Haddad,Sean D. Allen,Reese AK Richardson,Guillermo A. Ameer,Evan A. Scott
Abstract Oral rapamycin administration rapamycin is plagued by poor bioavailability and wide biodistribution. Thus, this pleotropic mTOR inhibitor has a narrow therapeutic window, numerous side effects and provides inadequate transplantation protection. Parental formulation was not possible due to rapamycin’s hydrophobicity (log P 4.3). Here, we demonstrate that subcutaneous rapamycin delivery via poly(ethylene glycol)- b -poly(propylene sulfide)(PEG- b -PPS) polymersome (PS) nanocarriers modulates cellular biodistribution of rapamycin to change its immunosuppressive mechanism for enhanced efficacy while minimizing side effects. While oral rapamycin inhibits naïve T cell proliferation directly, subcutaneously administered rapamycin-loaded polymersomes (rPS) instead modulated Ly-6C low monocytes and tolerogenic semi-mature dendritic cells, with immunosuppression mediated by CD8+ Tregs and rare CD4+ CD8+ double-positive T cells. As PEG- b -PPS PS are uniquely non-inflammatory, background immunostimulation from the vehicle was avoided, allowing immunomodulation to be primarily attributed to rapamycin’s cellular biodistribution. Repurposing mTOR inhibition significantly improved maintenance of normoglycemia in a clinically relevant, MHC-mismatched, allogeneic, intraportal (liver) islet transplantation model. These results demonstrate the ability of engineered nanocarriers to repurpose drugs for alternate routes of administration by rationally controlling cellular biodistribution.