Self-desiccation shrinkage (SDS) is closely related to the interior water consumption and the relative humidity (IRH) drop in the cement paste. Substantial self-desiccation shrinkage has been observed at very early-age for high performance concrete. However, it is difficult to investigate the IRH by conventional method of hygrometer at this time because the materials are still in the superhygroscopic range. In this paper, an automatically measuring system of meniscus depression is developed on the base of the mechanism of tensiometer and Laplace formula. The interior water consumption and the IRH changing within the paste could be automatically monitored at the very early-age (here specially refers to the stage from the beginning of casting till several hours after final setting). By using this system, the effects of water to binder ratio and replacement of cement by fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag on the self-desiccation were investigated for the very early-age cement paste. Experimental results could potentially explain the mechanism of the SDS at very early-age as well as determine the “time-zero” of SDS corresponding to its definition.