期刊:Science [American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)] 日期:2019-01-17卷期号:363 (6424): 241.10-243被引量:1
Organic Chemistry
Chemical synthesis plays a key role in pharmaceutical research and development. Campos et al. review some of the advantages that have come from recent innovations in synthetic methods. In particular, they highlight small-molecule catalysts stimulated by visible light, enzymes engineered for versatility beyond their intrinsic function, and bio-orthogonal reactions to selectively modify proteins for conjugation. High-throughput techniques are also poised to accelerate methods optimization from small-scale discovery to large-scale production, and complementary machine-learning approaches are just coming into focus.
Science , this issue p. [eaat0805][1]
[1]: /lookup/doi/10.1126/science.aat0805