Explicit MPC based on Approximate Dynamic Programming
Peter Bakaráč,Juraj Holaza,Martin Kalúz,Martin Klaučo,Johan Löfberg,Michal Kvasnica
期刊:European Control Conference日期:2018-06-12卷期号:: 1172-1177被引量:7
In this paper we show how to synthesize simple explicit MPC controllers based on approximate dynamic programming. Here, a given MPC optimization problem over a finite horizon is solved iteratively as a series of problems of size one. The optimal cost function of each subproblem is approximated by a quadratic function that serves as a cost-to-go function for the subsequent iteration. The approximation is designed in such a way that closed-loop stability and recursive feasibility is maintained. Specifically, we show how to employ sum-of-squares relaxations to enforce that the approximate cost-to-go function is bounded from below and from above for all points of its domain. By resorting to quadratic approximations, the complexity of the resulting explicit MPC controller is considerably reduced both in terms of memory as well as the on-line computations. The procedure is applied to control an inverted pendulum and experimental data are presented to demonstrate viability of such an approach.