Tuberization in potato is governed by many intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Various molecular signals, such as red light photoreceptor (StPHYB), BEL1-like transcription factor (StBEL5), CYCLING DOF FACTOR1 (StCDF1), StCO1/2 (CONSTANS1/2) and StSP6A (Flowering Locus T orthologue), function as crucial regulators during the photoperiod-dependent tuberization pathway. StCDF1 induces tuberization by increasing StSP6A levels via StCO1/2 suppression. Although the circadian clock proteins, GIGANTEA (StGI) and FLAVIN-BINDING, KELCH REPEAT, F-BOX 1 (StFKF1), are reported as StCDF1 interactors, how the StCDF1 gene is regulated in potato is unknown. The BEL-KNOX heterodimer regulates key tuberization genes through tandem TGAC core motifs in their promoters. A recent study reported the presence of six tandem TGAC core motifs in the StCDF1 promoter, suggesting possible regulation of StCDF1 by StBEL5. In our study, we observed a positive correlation between StBEL5 and StCDF1 expression, whereas StCDF1 and its known repressor, StFKF1, showed a negative correlation for the tested tissue types. To investigate the StBEL5-StCDF1 interaction, we generated transgenic potato promoter lines containing a wild-type or mutated (deletion of six tandem TGAC sites) StCDF1 promoter fused to GUS. Wild-type promoter transgenic lines exhibited widespread GUS activity, whereas this activity was absent in the mutated promoter transgenic lines. Moreover, StBEL5 and StCDF1 transcript levels were significantly higher in the stolon-to-tuber stages under short-day conditions compared to long-day conditions. Using wild-type and mutated prStCDF1 as baits in Y1H assays, we further demonstrated that StBEL5 interacts with the StCDF1 promoter through tandem TGAC motifs, indicating direct regulation of StCDF1 by StBEL5 in potato.