Different chemical treatments were applied to solutions of Aflatoxin B1 in order to compare their efficacy for the detoxification of AfB1: sodium sulfite, sodium hydrogen sulfate, sodium hydroxide, ammonia, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide. The rate of the detoxification of AfB1 has been followed by three experimental approaches: 1. Quantitative estimation of the unmodified AfB1 by HPLC chromatography. 2. Quantitative estimation of the most toxic metabolite. AfB1-epoxide by chemical transformation into the trishydroxy AfB1 derivative followed by HPLC analysis. 3. Determination of the bacterial mutagenic activity, following the Ames' test. Among the different detoxification methods that were compared, the treatment with sodium sulfite proved to be the most efficient and seems thus to be recommended for foods contaminated by AfB1.