Most of the existing redox flow batteries adopt 1-dimensionally stacked cells in which electrodes, flow frames, gaskets, and membranes are repeatedly stacked in one direction. However, these stacked cells suffer from system complexity, high cost, and insufficient cell performance. Herein, we suggest an attractive cell configuration with a 3-dimensional ceramic framework by adopting an industrially available cordierite honeycomb structure. We successfully demonstrate a zinc bromine battery (ZBB) with this 3-dimensional framework. Because the porous ceramic structure shows multi-functional characteristics as membranes and electrolyte channels as well as the cell housing, it does not require expensive membranes or flow frames, thus significantly reducing the stack manufacturing cost by about 64.5%. Furthermore, it shows superior behavior in terms of cell performance such as rate characteristics (>97% coulombic and >63% energy efficiencies at 60 mA/cm 2 ), practical energy density (52 Wh/L), and cyclability over 500 cycles, compared to previous studies on ZBBs. By connecting more channels in serial or parallel mode, flexible scale-up is feasibly demonstrated without any performance degradation. • A successful demonstration of zinc bromine battery in 3-dimensional ceramic framework. • Partition walls inside honeycomb-shaped ceramic framework can function as a membrane. • HC-ZBB can reduce the stack manufacturing cost by more than 60%. • It shows superior behavior in rate characteristics, energy density, and cyclability. • In serial or parallel mode, flexible scale-up of HC-ZBB is feasibly demonstrated.