The direct CO 2 conversion to C1 products (e.g. CH 3 OH, CH 4 , and HCOOH), C 2 + alcohols, short-chain (C2-C4) olefins, gasoline, and aromatics is an inventive step to reduce the impact of CO 2 on the environment. CO 2 capture and utilization (CCU) techniques as C1 feedstock have been reported to have several advantages over carbon capture and storage (CCS) techniques. However, due to its high thermodynamic stability (∆G° 298K = −394.4 kJ/mol), it is very challenging to chemically reduce the CO 2 molecule to value-added compounds in economically favorable conditions. This chapter summarizes the advanced nano-materials, their preferable mechanism to form different compounds, the challenges, and the future outlook for CO 2 utilization through the thermo-catalytic pathway.