The research on antibiotics occurrence in the aquatic environment has become a hot topic in the last years due to their potential negative effects, associated to possible bacterial antibiotic-resistance, after continuous exposure to these compounds. Most of antibiotic residues are not completely removed in the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and end up in the aquatic environment through treated wastewater (WW). The development of reliable analytical methodologies for the determination of antibiotics in influent (IWW) and effluent wastewater (EWW) is needed with different purposes, among others: monitoring their occurrence in the aquatic environment, performing environmental risk assessment, estimating removal efficiencies of WWTPs, or estimating the consumption of these compounds. In this paper, we perform an in-depth investigation on analytical key issues that pose difficulties in the determination of antibiotics in complex matrices, such as WW, and we identify challenges to be properly addressed for successful analysis. The analytical technique selected was liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), as it is the most powerful and widely applied at present for antibiotic residues determination. The mass spectrometric behavior of 18 selected antibiotics, the chromatographic performance, ion ratio variations associated to the sample matrix when using different precursor ions or protomers, and the macrolides adsorption to glass vial, were some of the issues studied in this work. On the basis of the detailed study performed, an analytical LC-MS/MS method based on sample direct injection has been developed for quantification of 18 antibiotics in IWW and EWW, allowing their determination at low ng L-1 levels.