Overview of drive by wire technologies in automobiles
Arjun V. Pillai,B. Manojkumar
期刊:Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols日期:2022-01-01卷期号:2541: 030001-030001被引量:4
Drive by Wire is a technology that has been in use in the industry since the 1980's. It is also called "X-by-wire" due to the various number of components that can be integrated with it. Drive by Wire is a system that looks to electronically control a range of operations such as Throttling, Braking, Steering etc. By using this system, conventional hydraulic systems have seen a decline as for most applications Drive by Wire is much more efficient and precise. Due to the modularity of Drive by Wire systems, there is more leeway for designers to utilize the space inside the vehicle and have freedom while designing components. Due to advances in technology, manufacturers have been open to the integration of electronics and computers into the vehicle as it tends to make the vehicle significantly safer and more efficient than a conventional system without it. All the functions of the vehicle are run by the sensors and actuators that get information from a computer. This paper looks to discuss the various types of Drive by Wire systems, their advantages and limitations.