Cotton fiber is a raw material for the global textile industry and fiber quality is essential to its industrial application. Carotenoids are plant secondary metabolites that may serve as dietary components, regulate light harvesting, and scavenge reactive oxygen species. Although carotenoids accumulate predominantly in rapidly elongating cotton fibers, their roles in cotton fiber development remain poorly understood. In this study, a fiber-specific promoter proSCFP was applied to drive the expression of GhOR1Del, a positive regulator of carotenoid accumulation, to upregulate the carotenoid level in cotton fiber in planta. Fiber length, strength, and fineness were increased in proSCFP:GhOR1Del transgenic cotton and abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene contents were increased in elongating fibers. The ABA downstream regulator GhbZIP27a stimulated the expression of the ethylene synthase gene GhACO3 by binding to its promoter, suggesting that ABA promoted fiber elongation by increasing ethylene production. These findings suggest the involvement of carotenoids and ABA signaling in promoting cotton fiber elongation and provide a strategy for improving cotton fiber quality.