In this paper, a fixed-time convergence scheme for fractional sliding modes is proposed for nonlinear second-order systems. Firstly, a fixed-time fractional-order sliding mode surface is designed by combining the fixed-time theory with fractional-order sliding mode control, which has a faster convergence rate and less chattering. Secondly, the proposed sliding mode controller is applied to a class of second-order nonlinear systems subject to uncertainties and external perturbations to ensure that the system is globally robust fixed-time stable. Then, a continuous fractional order approach law is designed and the proposed sliding mode controller is shown to converge in fixed time by Lyapunov function and the convergence time is related to the choice of controller parameters. Finally, the fixed-time fractional-order sliding mode control strategy is applied to a second-order nonlinear magnetic levitation system system, and the simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.