nido-Carboranes are versatile building blocks in medicine, materials science, and organometallic/coordination chemistry.Recently, direct B-H activation and functionalization of nido-carboranes have received much attention.Achieving regioselectivity in polyhedral cage B-H activation among ten chemically similar B-H vertices is a long-standing challenge in carborane chemistry.In this context, the activation of exo-cage B-H vertices on the open C2B3 pentagonal plane of nido-carboranes has been extensively studied.However, few direct activation reactions of B-H vertices that are located on the closed polyhedral sphere in nido-carborane have been reported.The recent progress on the regioselective B-H bond functionalization reaction of nido-carboranes is summarized.This topic is categorized into open plane exo-B-H activation and polyhedral sphere B-H activation.Keywords carboranes; B-H bond activation; regioselectivity; functionalization; directing group1964 年发现.该化合物是 通过碱降解闭式-碳硼烷失去一个硼顶点, 然后酸化得 到的.这是碳硼烷化学早期探索中的重要发现.巢式-碳硼烷是一种负一价的硼笼物种, 具有敞开的 C 2 B 3 五 元环平面, 其平面上存在一个桥氢原子.因此, 与闭式-碳硼烷相比, 巢式