Abstract The monocyte subset partitioning by flow cytometry, known as “monocyte assay,” is now integrated into the new classifications as a supporting criterion for CMML diagnosis, if a relative accumulation of classical monocytes above 94% of total circulating monocytes is observed. Here we provide clinical flow cytometry laboratories with technical support adapted for the most commonly used cytometers. Step‐by‐step explanations of the gating strategy developed on whole peripheral blood are presented while underlining the most common difficulties. In a second part, interpretation recommendations of circulating monocyte partitioning from the dedicated French working group “CytHem‐LMMC” are shared as well as the main pitfalls, including false positive and false negative cases. The particular flow‐defined inflammatory profile is described and the usefulness of the nonclassical monocyte specific marker, namely slan, highlighted. Examples of reporting to the physician with frequent situations encountered when using the monocyte assay are also presented.