A total of 38 putative additive QTLs and 55 pairwise putative epistatic QTLs for tiller-related traits were reported, and the candidate genes underlying qMtn-KJ-5D, a novel major and stable QTL for maximum tiller number, were characterized. Tiller-related traits play an important role in determining the yield potential of wheat. Therefore, it is important to elucidate the genetic basis for tiller number when attempting to use genetic improvement as a tool for enhancing wheat yields. In this study, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of three tiller-related traits was performed on the recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of a mapping population, referred to as KJ-RILs, that was derived from a cross between the Kenong 9204 (KN9204) and Jing 411 (J411) lines. A total of 38 putative additive QTLs and 55 pairwise putative epistatic QTLs for spike number per plant (SNPP), maximum tiller number (MTN), and ear-bearing tiller rate (EBTR) were detected in eight different environments. Among these QTLs with additive effects, three major and stable QTLs were first documented herein. Almost all but two pairwise epistatic QTLs showed minor interaction effects accounting for no more than 3.0% of the phenotypic variance. The genetic effects of two colocated major and stable QTLs, i.e., qSnpp-KJ-5D.1 and qMtn-KJ-5D, for yield-related traits were characterized. The breeding selection effect of the beneficial allele for the two QTLs was characterized, and its genetic effects on yield-related traits were evaluated. The candidate genes underlying qMtn-KJ-5D were predicted based on multi-omics data, and TraesKN5D01HG00080 was identified as a likely candidate gene. Overall, our results will help elucidate the genetic architecture of tiller-related traits and can be used to develop novel wheat varieties with high yields.