ABSTRACT Introduction Playing a wind instrument is one of the most complex tasks for the musculoskeletal system. Objective Verify the effectiveness of a strengthening exercise programme on musical performance and the strength of the temporomandibular muscles. Methods The sample was 60 participants (36 men; 24 women), with a mean age of 24.67 ± 13.06 years, divided into experimental group (EG) (16 brass; 15 woodwind) and control group (CG) (15 brass; 14 woodwind). The initial assessment (T0) consisted of a sociodemographic questionnaire, the EQ‐5D‐5L, an assessment of maximum bite force and endurance time and sound recording, before (T0) and after a musical practice of 8.5 min (T1). The EG, during 5 weeks, underwent 10 sessions of a temporomandibular muscle strengthening program, consisting of a series of 25 repetitions of isometric bite contraction, followed by a reassessment (T2) and sound recording (T2 and T3). Results Statistically significant differences were found between groups in maximum bite force between T0 and T2, explained by the improvement in the EG ( p = 0.014, bilaterally). We found no differences in endurance. In musical performance, statistically significant differences were found in the mean intensity values. There was an improvement in performance in the brass EG, with statistically significant differences in the high‐piano note ( p = 0.025) and in the woodwind EG all the notes were played at a significantly lower intensity ( p ≤ 0.05), compared to the CG, where all the notes increased in intensity. Conclusion The isometric exercise improves the maximum bite force, accompanied by an improvement in the high note's performance in brass and greater sound stability in woodwinds.