Mental health is considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be an essential component of health in general, and defines it as "a state of well-being in which a person can fulfill himself, overcome the tensions of daily life, perform productive work and contribute to the life of one's community". It can be said that "there is no health without mental health". We also know that mental health is influenced to a large extent by the environmental, economic, etc. context, but also from personal characteristics (genetic patrimony, what has been transmitted to us from parents, one's own experience, etc.). From the complex interplay of these factors, each individual perceives their own state of mental health. Having made these premises, we try, and this is the goal of this work, to verify whether in the post-modern society in which we live, the presuppositions and conditions exist that give the individual the possibility to adapt to the environment that surrounds him and to live. in harmony with himself, reaching a good level of mental health, or on the contrary if in the globalized civilization in which we live, those points of reference that contributed to a good social adaptation and consequently to a good psychic compensation have failed.