TAGLN2 targeted control of ARPC5-mediated activation of the MEK/ERK signaling pathway influences the proliferation, invasion, and metastasis of pancreatic cancer cells
Pancreatic cancer (PC) is a common tumor of the digestive tract with an insidious onset and high malignancy potential. Currently, surgery is the only effective treatment modality. Therefore, it is crucial to discover new targeted therapeutic modalities. We studied whether transgelin 2 (TAGLN2) targeted control of actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 5 (ARPC5)-mediated activation of the MEK/ERK signaling pathway to Influences the proliferation, invasion, and metastasis of pancreatic cancer cells. The effects of TAGLN2 overexpression and knockdown on the proliferative viability and invasive metastatic ability of pancreatic cancer cells were verified through in vitro and in vivo assays via constructing a stable lentiviral transfection of human pancreatic cancer cell lines PANC-1 and SW1990. Bioinformatics analysis was used to predict the relationship between TAGLN2 and ARPC5. These findings were subsequently verified through protein profiling, immunofluorescence (IF), and coimmunoprecipitation (CO-IP) assays. In vitro experiments were also conducted to confirm the effect of TAGLN2 modulation on ARPC5 expression, which subsequently affects the proliferation and invasive metastatic ability of pancreatic cancer cells. The study analyzed the relationship between TAGLN2 and the MEK/ERK signaling pathway through bioinformatics and in vitro experiments with the MEK signaling pathway inhibitor U0126. TAGLN2 is expressed at high levels in pancreatic cancer cell lines, and its expression is positively correlated with poor prognosis of pancreatic cancer. ARPC5 is a direct target of TAGLN2 and is associated with the MEK/ERK signaling pathway. In vivo and ex vivo experiments confirmed that overexpression of TAGLN2 promoted the proliferation, invasion, and metastasis of pancreatic cancer cells, and silencing ARPC5 reversed these effect. Our research revealed that TAGLN2 protein binds to ARPC5 protein and contributes to increased ARPC5 expression and activation of the MEK/ERK signaling pathway. This activation promotes pancreatic cancer cell growth, infiltration, and spread. Hence, TAGLN2 is a potential viable therapeutic target in pancreatic cancer and represents a novel therapeutic approach.