Interleukin-17 (IL-17), a pivotal cytokine in immune regulation, has attracted significant attention in recent years due to its roles in various physiological and pathological processes. This review explores IL-17 in immunological context, emphasizing its structure, production, and signaling pathways. Specifically, we explore its involvement in inflammatory diseases and autoimmune diseases, with a notable focus on its emerging implications in cardiovascular system. Through an array of research insights, IL-17 displays multifaceted functions yet awaiting comprehensive discovery. Highlighting therapeutic avenues, we scrutinize the efficacy and clinical application of four marketed IL-17 mAbs along other targeted therapies, underscoring their potential in immune-mediated disease management. Additionally, we discussed the novel IL-17D-CD93 axis, elucidating recent breakthroughs in their biological function and clinical implications, inviting prospects for transformative advancements in immunology and beyond.