Metastasis of breast cancer have caused the majority of cancer-related death worldwide. The circRNAs are associated with tumorigenesis and metastasis in breast cancer according to recent research. However, the biological mechanism of circRNAs in liver metastatic breast cancer remains ambiguous yet.Microarray analysis of three pairs of primary BC tissues and matched hepatic metastatic specimens identified circEZH2. We used RT-qPCR and FISH assays to confirm circEZH2 existence, characteristics, and expression. Both in vivo and in vitro, circEZH2 played an oncogenic role which promoted metastasis as well. A range of bioinformatic analysis, Western blot, RNA pull-down, RIP, ChIP, and animal experiments were used to define the feedback loop involving FUS, circEZH2, miR-217-5p, KLF5, FUS, CXCR4 as well as epithelial and mesenchymal transition.In our research, circEZH2 was proved to be upregulated in liver metastases in BC and predicted the worse prognosis in breast cancer patients. Overexpression of circEZH2 notably accentuated the vitality and invasion of BC cells, whereas knockdown of circEZH2 elicited the literally opposite effects. Besides, overexpressed circEZH2 promoted tumorigenesis and liver metastasis in vivo. Moreover, circEZH2 could adsorb miR-217-5p to upregulate KLF5 thus leading to activate FUS transcription which would facilitate the back-splicing program of circEZH2. Meanwhile, KLF5 could upregulated CXCR4 transcriptionally to accelerate epithelial and mesenchymal transition of breast cancer.Consequently, a novel feedback loop FUS/circEZH2/KLF5/CXCR4 was established while circEZH2 could be novel biomarker and potential target for BC patients' therapy.