As a variety of west Wu dialect, Guangfeng dialect of Shangrao, Jiangxi is distinctive from others in indefiniteness encoding: Aside from ie ʔ5‘ Classifier N and Classifier N phrases frequently observed in other dialects, Guangfeng dialect also takes k ɤʔ 5 个 Classifier N phrases to encode indefinite n ess. Pho no logical, syntactic and semantic examinations of the three types indefinite noun phrases suggest that ie ʔ 5 ‘one’ and k ɤʔ 5 are indefinite articles tho ugh their quantity interpretations remain. What is striking is that k ɤʔ 5 个 ) in k ɤʔ 5 个 Classifier N has been grammaticalized into an indefinite article from a general classifier, which is in contrast with the previous findings that Classifier N phrases are used to encode definite ness and classifiers in this structure is being changed into a q uas i definite article. This finding is an important supplement to the studies of the referentiality system of Chinese dialects and the grammatical properties of classifiers. Currently, ie ʔ 5 classifier noun and k ɤʔ 5 classifier noun phrases co exist in Guangfeng dialect and are competing with each other. Such a situation is assumed to be t he consequence of language con tact among Guangfeng dialect, Shangrao dialect and dialects in northern central areas of Fujian.