Abstract When a power outage occurs in the power system, multiple distributed power sources and energy storage systems connected to the distribution network can be coordinated to restore power to important lost loads in a priority and fast manner. However, the generation output of intermittent power sources such as wind and photovoltaic is uncertain, which makes it difficult to provide a continuous and stable power supply to the loads in isolated islands. In this paper, we first explore the improvement effect of multi-source cooperative fault recovery on distribution system resilience, consider the distribution system with distributed power sources, energy storage systems, and controllable loads, and propose a distribution system recovery model with the goal of maximizing the power consumption of the restored loads for a relatively short period of time after a power outage incident. Then, the power output characteristics and power supply capacity of various distributed power sources are analyzed, and the intermittent power output fluctuations are compensated using controllable loads. Finally, the proposed model and method are validated using a modified IEEE 33-node distribution network as an example.