To solve the problems of vote forgery and malicious election of candidate nodes in the Raft consensus algorithm, we combine zero trust with the Raft consensus algorithm and propose a secure and efficient consensus algorithm -Verifiable Secret Sharing Byzantine Fault Tolerance Raft Consensus Algorithm (VSSB-Raft). The VSSB-Raft consensus algorithm realizes zero trust through the supervisor node and secret sharing algorithm without the invisible trust between nodes required by the algorithm. Meanwhile, the VSSB-Raft consensus algorithm uses the SM2 signature algorithm to realize the characteristics of zero trust requiring authentication before data use. In addition, by introducing the NDN network, we redesign the communication between nodes and guarantee the communication quality among nodes. The VSSB-Raft consensus algorithm proposed in this paper can make the algorithm Byzantine fault tolerant by setting a threshold for secret sharing while maintaining the algorithm’s complexity to be O(n). Experiments show that the VSSB-Raft consensus algorithm is secure and efficient with high throughput and low consensus latency.