Tumor interstitial pressure represents the greatest barrier against drug diffusion into the depth of the tumor. Biometric nanomotors highlight the possibility of enhanced deep penetration and improve cellular uptake. However, control of their directionality remains difficult to achieve. Herein, we report cysteine-arginine-glutamic acid-lysine-alanine (CREKA)-modified ceria@polydopamine nanobowls as tumor microenvironment-fueled nanoscale motors for positive chemotaxis into the tumor depth or toward tumor cells. Upon laser irradiation, this nanoswimmer rapidly depletes the tumor microenvironment-specific hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the nanobowl, contributing to a self-generated gradient and subsequently propulsion (9.5 μm/s at 46 °C). Moreover, the asymmetrical modification of CREKA on nanobowls could automatically reconfigure the motion direction toward tumor depth or tumor cells in response to receptor-ligand interaction, leading to a deep penetration (70 μm in multicellular spheroids) and enhanced antitumor effects over conventional nanomedicine-induced chemo-photothermal therapy (tumor growth inhibition rate: 84.2% versus 56.9%). Thus, controlling the direction of nanomotors holds considerable potential for improved antitumor responses, especially in solid tumors with high tumor interstitial pressure.