Aims: To design and manufacture a digital lux meter to the illumination intensity (E) detection tool that is more efficient, relatively cheaper, and can be carried because it has a smaller shape and size compared to tools on the market. Study Design: Design of lux meter digital based on Arduino uno using an EL 7900 sensor. Place and Duration of Study: Physics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, from June 2024 to September 2024. Methodology: The method used is to design electronic components so that it can become a digital lux meter. The main processor uses Arduino. The microcontroller functions as a data processor which is the output of the EL 7900 sensor. The HC-SR04 sensor is a distance sensor whose function is to measure the distance measured on the design tool. The detection results from the sensor are then processed in the microcontroller and displayed on the OLED. Results: Lux meter digital based on Arduino uno using EL 7900 sensors has been produced. The results of the research show that the further the measurement distance from the light source, the illumination intensity (E) decreases. This research also finds that the illumination intensity will increase if the source power is increased. Based on calibration testing between the design tool and the reference tool, it shows very good results with an error rate of 0.06%. Field test results showed that the level of accuracy of the illumination intensity between the design tool and the reference tool at a distance of 150 cm from the light source with different light source power reached 99.48%. Conclusion: In this research, digital lux meter to the illumination intensity (E) detection tool, relatively cheaper and can be carried because it has a smaller shape and size compared to tools on the market. Based on calibration testing, it shows very good results with an error rate of 0.06%.