In nuclear medicine, estimating the number of radioactive decays that occur in a source organ per unit administered activity of a radiopharmaceutical (i.e., the time-integrated activity coefficient [TIAC]) is an essential task within the internal dosimetry workflow. TIAC estimation is commonly derived by least-squares fitting of various exponential models to organ time-activity data (radiopharmaceutical biodistribution). Rarely, however, are methods used to objectively determine the model that best characterizes the data. Additionally, the uncertainty associated with the resultant TIAC is generally not evaluated. As part of the MIRDsoft initiative, MIRDfit has been developed to offer a biodistribution fitting software solution that provides the following essential features and advantages for internal dose assessment: nuclear medicine-appropriate fit functions; objective metrics for guiding best-fit selection; TIAC uncertainty calculation; quality control and data archiving; integration with MIRDcalc software for dose calculation; and a user-friendly Excel-based interface. For demonstration and comparative validation of MIRDfit's performance, TIACs were derived from serial imaging studies involving