Structure of Mineral Surfaces, A.S. Gibson and J.P. LaFemina Introduction Methods of Surface Structure Determination Structure of Mineral Surfaces Discussion Electronic Structure of Mineral Surfaces, V.E. Henrich Introduction Models of Electronic Structure Measurement Techniques Non-Transitional-Metal Oxides Transition-Metal Oxides SiO2 Application of X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy for Surface Complexation Modeling of Metal Ion Sorption, K.F. Hayes and L.E. Katz Introduction Sorption Behavior of Divalent Cations Structure of Surface Complexes Surface Complexation Modeling Overview Illustration of Surface Complexation Modeling Summary and Conclusions Appendix: Materials and Experimental Methods Surface-Controlled Dissolution and Growth of Minerals, P.V. Brady and W.A. House Introduction Rate Laws for Single (Hydr)oxide Dissolution Rate Laws for Multioxide Silicate Dissolution Glass Dissolution Ligand-Enhanced Dissolution of (Hydr)oxides and Silicates Dissolution of Carbonate Minerals Dissolution of Metal Sulfides Rates Near Equilibrium Crystal Growth Conclusion Geochemical Applications of Mineral Surface Science, P.V. Brady and J.M. Zachara Introduction Particle Surfaces, Ion Retention, and Chemical Transport in Soils and Groundwater Interfaces, Sediments, and Diagenesis Weathering Biomineralization Origins of Life Index