Brigitta U. Mueller,Daniel R. Neuspiel,Erin Ragan‐Stucky Fisher,Wayne H. Franklin,Terry Adirim,David G. Bundy,Laura Ferguson,Sean Gleeson,Michael G. Leu,Ricardo A. Quinonez,Michael L. Rinke,Richard N. Shiffman,Elizabeth V. Saarel,Joel S. Tieder,H. Shonna Yin,S PHILLIPS,Ricardo A. Quinonez,Jeffrey Brown,Kathleen M. Walsh,Jennifer A. Jewell,K Ernst,Vanessa Hill,Quang Vinh Lam,Charles D. Vinocur,Daniel A. Rauch,Benson Hsu
Pediatricians render care in an increasingly complex environment, which results in multiple opportunities to cause unintended harm. National awareness of patient safety risks has grown since the National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) published its report “To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System” in 1999. Patients and society as a whole continue to challenge health care providers to examine their practices and implement safety solutions. The depth and breadth of harm incurred by the practice of medicine is still being defined as reports continue to reveal a variety of avoidable errors, from those that involve specific high-risk medications to those that are more generalizable, such as patient misidentification and diagnostic error. Pediatric health care providers in all practice environments benefit from having a working knowledge of patient safety language. Pediatric providers should serve as advocates for best practices and policies with the goal of attending to risks that are unique to children, identifying and supporting a culture of safety, and leading efforts to eliminate avoidable harm in any setting in which medical care is rendered to children. In this Policy Statement, we provide an update to the 2011 Policy Statement “Principles of Pediatric Patient Safety: Reducing Harm Due to Medical Care.”