The Northrup-Grummann/Ball/Kodak team is building the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), scheduled for launch in 2011. Part of Ball's responsibility is to develop the wavefront sensing and control (WFS&C) algorithms and software that will be used to provide the level of imaging performance needed to support the mission's science objectives. Wavefront sensing on JWST differs from that performed on many ground-based telescopes in that it is conducted entirely within the focal plane of it's chief science camera, the Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam). In a sense, the complexity of a conventional wavefront sensor is eliminated, in favor of rather complex image processing performed on the ground, to extract the wavefront information. This paper will describe the algorithms being developed for JWST. Specifically, we will describe algorithms for the coarse alignment of the primary mirror segments and the secondary mirror, the coarse phasing of the primary mirror segments, and the fine phasing of the entire telescope. We will also present algorithms for monitoring the wavefront quality throughout the JWST mission.