An essential requirement for eradication of poliomyelitis is the elimination of circulating vaccine derived polioviruses (cVDPV) and polioviruses excreted by chronically infected individuals with immunodeficiencies (iVDPV). As part of a post-eradication risk management strategy, a human monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapeutic could play a role in halting excretion in asymptomatic carriers and could be used, in combination with vaccines and antiviral drugs, to protect polio-exposed individuals. Cross-neutralizing mAbs may be particularly useful, as they would reduce the number of mAbs needed to create a comprehensive PV therapeutic. We cloned a panel of IgG mAbs from OPV-vaccinated, IPV-boosted healthy subjects. Many of the mAbs had potent neutralizing activities against PV wild-type (WT) and Sabin strains, and two of the mAbs, 12F8 and 1E4, were significantly cross-reactive against types 1 and 2 and types 1 and 3, respectively. Mapping the binding epitopes using strains resistant to neutralization (escape mutants) suggested that cross-specific PV binding epitopes may primarily reside within the canyon region, which interacts with the cellular receptor molecule CD155 and the cross-neutralizing chimpanzee/human mAb, A12. Despite their close proximity, the epitopes for the 12F8 and 1E4 mAbs on Sabin 1 were not functionally identical to the A12 epitope. When tested together, 12F8 and 1E4 neutralized a diverse panel of clinically relevant PV strains and did not exhibit interference. Virus mutants resistant to the anti-poliovirus drug V-073 were also neutralized by the mAbs. The 12F8 and 1E4 mAbs may suitable for use as anti-PV therapeutics.