In this letter, a miniaturized slotted microstrip antenna with modified ground plane for multiresonant wideband operation is proposed. The miniaturized antenna dimension is only about 24 (0.44λr) ×22 (0.403λr) mm 2 , where, λr is the wavelength of the resonant frequency of the conventional antenna (i.e., 5.5 GHz). The measured result shows two distinct resonant frequencies at 2 and 3.3 GHz. A -10-dB wide-impedance bandwidth of 3100 MHz ranging from 4.2-7.3 GHz is also achieved for the proposed antenna structure. The measured result shows that the size of the proposed antenna has been reduced by 67% in comparison to the conventional rectangular microstrip antenna with same area, and the operating bandwidth is also enhanced up to 53.9%.