Meat is the main and important source of protein, minerals, and vitamins and plays a crucial role in human nutrition. Based on projections, the consumption of it is expected to increase twofold by 2050 as a result of population growth. Conversely, this surge in meat production gives rise to issues such as the indiscriminate slaughter of animals, the escalation in methane gas production and subsequent exacerbation of the global warming phenomenon, the heightened risk of shared diseases between humans and animals, and the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogens, as well as excessive water usage. There will be a significant amount, therefore, it is imperative to explore novel approaches, such as employing lab-grown meat. Current research in this field is primarily centered around the production of cultured meat. These meats offer numerous benefits, such as their eco-friendliness and their ability to mitigate animal-borne illnesses. In the process of cultivating meat, stem or satellite cells are extracted from the animal's muscle tissue without causing harm to the animal. These cells are then placed in a culture medium containing fetal bovine serum. Subsequently, they employ either edible or non-edible scaffolds as a means of facilitating cell proliferation, which is then introduced into a bioreactor to induce the growth of tissue. Under optimal growth conditions, including appropriate temperature, oxygen levels, nutrient availability, and growth factors, it typically takes approximately 3–5 weeks for a thin piece of meat to develop. Presently, the feasibility of adopting cultured meat production is severely limited by its exorbitant cost, substandard colour and taste, and the lack of acceptance by various religious groups. Enhancing the colour of the meat can be achieved by incorporating edible colour compounds like red beetroot and saffron, while its taste can be enhanced by incorporating fatty acids, fats, and protein. It is important to acknowledge that this technology is still in its initial phases and in order to achieve widespread production, it is imperative to attain a satisfactory level of consumer approval. Furthermore, the adoption of this technology may potentially lead to a decrease in the income of livestock breeders. However, given the inherent risks associated with the livestock industry, it is imperative to proceed in this direction. Also, 3D printing is an advancing digital technology that has a vast market potential in the field of food and nutrition technology. It offers a platform for creating distinctive food products that have improved sensory and nutritional qualities, specifically tailored for a particular consumer. 3D printing has the potential to provide distinct solutions for the crucial challenges in cultured meat production, specifically in controlling the protein, fat, and other nutritional composition, as well as creating a lifelike texture. The main man-made materials used in tissue engineering are polystyrene, polylactic acid (PLA), polyglycolic acid (PGA), and a mixture of polylactic and polyglycolic acids called PLGA.