Minimizing distance between distribution functions: discrete counterparts to continuous random variables with applications in non-life insurance and stochastic reliability
In this work, we propose a novel family of procedures for deriving a discrete counterpart to a continuous probability distribution. They are based on a class of distances between cumulative distribution functions, including the Cramér, the Cramér-von Mises, and the Anderson-Darling distances as particular cases. The discrete counterpart is defined and derived as the random variable which minimizes its distance to the assigned continuous probability distribution among all the discrete random variables supported on the set of integers (or positive integers). Applications are provided with reference to the exponential and the normal distributions, among others; the discrete counterparts are derived, and their main properties are discussed, also in comparison with the one obtained through an existing discretization technique based on the preservation of the cumulative distribution function at integer values. Parameter estimation for these discrete analogs is discussed, along with an analysis of two real datasets, where they are compared in terms of goodness-of-fit with some popular discrete distributions. Furthermore, in order to highlight the effectiveness and the benefits derived from the proposed discretization procedures, we illustrate two practical applications in actuarial science and in reliability engineering. In the former case, the problem of determining the distribution of the total claims amount for a non-life insurance portfolio is considered, where the claim sizes can be modelled as iid random variables, and the number of claims is random as well. Actuaries use a recursive calculation method based on Panjer's formula, which requires an appropriate discretization of the individual claim distribution, and therefore the proposed procedures can be used. Since we consider two simple cases where the distribution of the total claims amount is analytically acquirable, the efficacy of the discretization procedures in the final approximation can be easily assessed and turns out to be satisfactory, especially when compared to the existing discretization. The latter case considers the determination of the reliability parameter for a complex stress-strength model. Here, the approximation by discretization is compared to Monte Carlo simulation and shown to be relevant: with a comparable if not smaller computational effort, discretization leads to similar results as simulation. Such discretizations can also naturally be applied to more complex problems such as scenario generation in stochastic programming. R code for this article is provided as supplementary material.