Linear Optimization Algorithms for the Design of Broadband Antennas
Shashank Kumar Mishra,M. P. Karthikeyan,Navjot Singh
Linear optimization algorithms are an effective method of designing broadband antennas. Specifically, those algorithms can be used to satisfy more than one layout target that can vary from synthesizing a sample or shape to the assembly of precise frequency bandwidths or optimizing other constraints. The linear optimization algorithms paint at the antenna parameters, together with the geometry of the antenna factors and the excitations. By altering those parameters, the overall performance of the antenna may be stepped forward and maximized. In a typical linear optimization set of rules, a mathematical optimization model is defined as a fixed of equations that includes antenna parameters, constraints, and design objectives. Those equations are solved with the usage of a few forms of iterative seek or optimization methods to provide an answer that maximizes the antenna's performance. For instance, one optimization technique may be called the continuous search or gradient-descent method, which is based on the continuity of the version in terms of the parameters. This approach can be used to optimize the antenna layout parameters to locate the nice design that minimizes a numerical figure of benefit (including minimizing the bandwidth or maximizing the benefit).