This research comprises three studies centered on the development and validation of a self-report measure of psychological closure and resolution, the Closure and Resolution Scale (CRS). Study 1 used exploratory factor analysis (EFA) in two samples to probe the factor structure for closure using original (Study 1a N = 284) and revised (Study 1b N = 158) item pools. Study 2 (N = 159) examined model fit using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and revealed a good-fitting simple structural solution. The CRS consists of 34 items assessing six facets of event resolution: (1) finality, (2) understanding, (3) felt distance, (4) emotional relief, (5) mental release, and (6) behavioural deactivation. Study 3 (N = 182) examined convergent and discriminant validity for the CRS and provided evidence of construct validity. Participants resided in North America and primarily identified as White (68.7%−77.5%), male (44.3%−59.3%) or female (40.1%−55.7%), with post-secondary education (69.3%−71.7%). We offer a novel measure of psychological closure and resolution with preliminary evidence of good psychometric properties.