Competitive swarm optimizer (CSO) based on multidirectional search plays a crucial role in addressing large-scale multiobjective optimization problems (LSMOPs). However, relying solely on uniform or cluster partitioning of the objective space for sampling, along with two search directions constructed with upper and lower boundaries of global variables, sometimes lacks consideration of regional information. This results in an inefficient search and hinders the global convergence of the algorithm. To solve these problems, this study proposes a large-scale multiobjective competitive swarm optimizer algorithm based on regional multidirectional search (AMSLMOEA). Firstly, an adaptive objective space partitioning method based on the evolutionary state of the population is designed to enhance the adaptability of partitioning. Secondly, an individual multidirectional search strategy is introduced. Considering the algorithm's computational complexity, the strategy selects the optimal individual within each subregion and constructs four-directional search vectors based on the lower limit of the global decision variables and the upper limit of the individual decision variables within the subregion. To validate the effectiveness of AMSLMOEA, the performance is tested on four benchmark function sets. The results demonstrate that AMSLMOEA outperforms the vast majority of the compared algorithms in terms of the IGD and HV metrics.