Chitinases are multifunctional biocatalysts for the pest control and useful in modern biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Chemical-based fungicides and insecticides have caused more severe effects on environment and human health. Many pathogenic fungal species and insects became resistant to the chemical pesticides. The resistant fungi emerged as a multidrug resistant also and less susceptible insects are not possible to control adequately. Chitinases have an immense potential to be exploited as a biopesticide against fungi and insects. The direct use of chitinase in liquid formulation or whole microbial enzyme producing cells, both act as antagonistically against the pests. Chitinase can disintegrate the fungal cell wall and insect integument that holds the chitin as a vital structural component. Moreover, chitinase is applied for the synthesis of pharmaceutically important chitooligosaccharides. Chitinase producing microbes have the huge potential to utilize against the waste management of sea food remains like shells of crustaceans. Chitinase is valuable for the synthesis of protoplasts from industrially important fungi, further it act as the biocontrol agent of malaria and dengue fever causing larvae of mosquitoes. Chitinases also have been successfully used in wine and single cell protein producing industries. Present review is illustrating the updated information on the state of the art of different applications of chitinases in agriculture and biotechnology industry. It also bestows the understanding to the readers about the areas of extensively studied and the field where there is still much left to be done.