Marc Raynaud,Solaf Al-Awadhi,Kévin Louis,Huanxi Zhang,Xiaojun Su,Valentin Goutaudier,Jiali Wang,Zeynep Demir,Yongcheng Wei,Agathe Truchot,Antoine Bouquegneau,Arnaud Del Bello,Éric Bailly,Yannis Lombardi,Mehdi Maanaoui,Alessia Giarraputo,Sofía Naser,Gillian Divard,Olivier Aubert,Víctor M. Montori,Changxi Wang,Longshan Liu,Oriol Bestard,Maarten Naesens,John Friedewald,Carmen Lefaucheur,Leonardo V. Riella,Gary S. Collins,John P. A. Ioannidis,Alexandre Loupy
Why are there so few biomarkers accepted by health authorities and implemented in clinical practice, despite the high and growing number of biomaker studies in medical research ? In this meta-epidemiological study, including 804 studies that were critically appraised by expert reviewers, the authors have identified all prognostic kidney transplant biomarkers and showed overall suboptimal study designs, methods, results, interpretation, reproducible research standards, and transparency. The authors also demonstrated for the first time that the limited number of studies challenged the added value of their candidate biomarkers against standard-of-care routine patient monitoring parameters. Most biomarker studies tended to be single-center, retrospective studies with a small number of patients and clinical events. Less than 5% of the studies performed an external validation. The authors also showed the poor transparency reporting and identified a data beautification phenomenon. These findings suggest that there is much wasted research effort in transplant biomarker medical research and highlight the need to produce more rigorous studies so that more biomarkers may be validated and successfully implemented in clinical practice.