期刊:Optical Engineering [SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering] 日期:2016-09-28卷期号:55 (9): 094105-094105被引量:16
Fast physical random number generators (PRNGs) are essential elements in the development of many modern applications. We numerically demonstrate an extraction scheme to establish an ultrafast PRNG using dual-channel optical-chaos source. Simultaneous suppression of time-delay signature in all observables of the output is verified using autocorrelation-function method. The proposed technique compares the level of the chaotic signal at time t with M levels of its delayed version. The comparators [1-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)] are triggered using a clock subject to an incremental delay. All the delays of the chaotic signal before the ADCs and the relative delays of the clock are mutually incommensurable. The outputs of the ADCs are then combined using parity-check logic to produce physically true random numbers. The randomness quality of the generated random bits is evaluated by the statistical tests of National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-22. The results verify that all tests are passed from M=1 to M=39 at sampling rate up to 34.5 GHz, which indicates that the maximum generation rate of random bits is 2.691 Tb/s without employing any preprocessing techniques. This rate, to the best of our knowledge, is higher than any previously reported PRNG.