Background: Delayed 3D-FLAIR sequences enable the distinction between the utricle and the saccule.Aims/objectives: We sought to evaluate the clinical and radiological findings in patients with no visible saccule (NVS) on 4-hour post-contrast MRI.Material and Methods: We retrospectively assessed the presence of NVS signs in 400 patients who underwent delayed inner ear MRI.Results: We reported on 28 patients with NVS. Among this group, on the NVS affected side: 14 had isolated sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL); 4 had fluctuating cochleo-vestibular disease; 3 had definite Menière's disease; 3 had Minor syndrome; 2 had delayed endolymphatic hydrops (EH); 2 had inner ear malformations; 1 had sudden cochleo-vestibular deficit following stapes surgery; 1 had a perilymphatic fistula and 1 had a contralateral fluctuating SNHL. Sixteen out of these 28 patients (57.1%) had cochlear hydrops on the same side as the NVS, while 10 patients (35.7%) had saccular hydrops on the contralateral side. Moreover, isolated blood labyrinth barrier (BLB) impairment on the NVS side was observed in 7 patients. Two patients (7.1%) had large vestibular aqueduct and NVS on the same side and one patient had perilymphatic fistula.Conclusions and significance: NVS seems to be multifactorial and could be linked to hydropic ear disease, third-mobile window pathologies and congenital malformation.