Far-infrared absorbers exhibiting wideband performance are in great demand in numerous applications, including imaging, detection, and wireless communications. Here, a nonresonant far-infrared absorber with ultra-wideband operation is proposed. This absorber is in the form of inverted pyramidal cavities etched into moderately doped silicon. By means of a wet-etching technique, the crystallinity of silicon restricts the formation of the cavities to a particular shape in an angle that favors impedance matching between lossy silicon and free space. Far-infrared waves incident on this absorber experience multiple reflections on the slanted lossy silicon side walls, being dissipated towards the cavity bottom. The simulation and measurement results confirm that an absorption beyond 90% can be sustained from 1.25 to 5.00 THz. Furthermore, the experiment results suggest that the absorber can operate up to at least 21.00 THz with a specular reflection less than 10% and negligible transmission.