We report the observation of a quantum anomalous Hall effect in twisted bilayer graphene showing Hall resistance quantized to within .1\% of the von Klitzing constant $h/e^2$ at zero magnetic field.The effect is driven by intrinsic strong correlations, which polarize the electron system into a single spin and valley resolved moir\'e miniband with Chern number $C=1$. In contrast to extrinsic, magnetically doped systems, the measured transport energy gap $\Delta/k_B\approx 27$~K is larger than the Curie temperature for magnetic ordering $T_C\approx 9$~K, and Hall quantization persists to temperatures of several Kelvin. Remarkably, we find that electrical currents as small as 1~nA can be used to controllably switch the magnetic order between states of opposite polarization, forming an electrically rewritable magnetic memory.