Simultaneous Alveolar Ridge Augmentation and Periodontal Regenerative Therapy Leveraging Recombinant Human Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-BB (rhPDGF-BB): A Case Report
István Urbán,Mustafa Tattan,Andrea Ravidà,Muhammad H. A. Saleh,Lorenzo Tavelli,Gustavo Ávila‐Ortiz
Severe alveolar ridge deficiencies in concomitance with periodontal attachment loss can represent a serious clinical challenge in the context of implant therapy. The present case report describes the management of a complex defect in the esthetic zone via ridge augmentation and periodontal regenerative therapy using a biologic material. A systemically healthy 55-year-old man diagnosed with peri-implantitis around an implant in the maxillary left central incisor position and with severe bone loss on the mesial aspect of the maxillary left lateral incisor underwent several surgical interventions to achieve simultaneous vertical ridge augmentation and periodontal regeneration. These interventions included implant removal, bone augmentation using a composite bone graft (autogenous bone + xenograft particles), and a bioactive protein (recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor), soft tissue augmentation using connective tissue grafts, and peri-implant keratinized mucosa width augmentation via a labial gingival graft strip and a xenogeneic collagen matrix. Substantial gains in vertical bone and clinical attachment were achieved, which allowed for delayed implant placement and subsequent completion of tooth replacement therapy with an implant-supported prosthesis. The present case report demonstrates how simultaneous vertical ridge augmentation and periodontal regeneration can be achieved to manage a challenging clinical situation. Key factors to consider in this type of scenario are proximal bone level, tooth mobility, surgical flap design and management, biomaterial selection, and proper treatment sequencing.