Inverse moment of the <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>B</mml:mi></mml:math> -meson quasidistribution amplitude
We perform a study on the structure of inverse moment (IM) of quasi distributions, by taking $B$-meson quasi distribution amplitude (quasi-DA) as an example. Based on a one-loop calculation, we derive the renormalization group equation and velocity evolution equation for the first IM of quasi-DA. We find that, in the large velocity limit, the first IM of $B$-meson quasi-DA can be factorized into IM as well as logarithmic moments of light-cone distribution amplitude (LCDA), accompanied by short distance coefficients. Our results can be useful either in understanding the patterns of perturbative matching in Large Momentum Effective Theory or evaluating inverse moment of $B$-meson LCDA on the lattice.